Campi da golf a, Berlim . Berlim
Altre foto di: Berliner Golf Club Gatow E.v.
Telefono..: +49 030-3650006
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This golf course bears the distinctive signature of the British, who set it up in 1969. It is characterised by its population of old trees and its park-like terrain. In June 2001, the course was extended to 18 holes by adding a lake with a surface of 15,500 sq yds, among other things. An attractive course in terms of both game requirements and the landscape, situated in the centre of Berlin at a 30-minute drive from the Brandenburg Gate.
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Berliner Golf Club Gatow E.v.
Berliner Golf Club Gatow E.v.
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Campi da golf vicini a
Berliner Golf Club Gatow E.v.
Berliner Golf Club Gatow E.v.